
Ep 1117 – Why I Removed Every Offspring Song From My Music Library As A Matter Of Principle

Dr. Champion explains why he now refuses to listen to any song by The Offspring and why The Offspring will never get another penny of his money. Dave removed every Offspring song from his music library so The Offspring no longer exist in the music source he uses for [...]

By |2022-07-29T04:32:59-07:00July 29th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1117 – Why I Removed Every Offspring Song From My Music Library As A Matter Of Principle

Ep 1116 – IRS Regs Say You Are NOT The Person Made Liable For Income Tax!

Dr. Champion discusses what the regulations have said about who the income tax has been imposed on - i.e. "made liable" - and who has not, along with pointing out the regs have remained consistent on this point from the very first income tax regs in 1913 through to [...]

By |2022-07-19T17:00:33-07:00July 19th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1116 – IRS Regs Say You Are NOT The Person Made Liable For Income Tax!

Ep 1115 – The “Violent Narcissism Hypothesis” Of Mass Shootings – Including Media Culpability

Dr. Champion lays out his "Violent Narcissism Hypothesis" that explains why mass shooters choose to engage in mass shootings. If we are to mitigate mass shootings we first need a sound understanding of WHY the murder chooses that particular course of action. Can we identify them in advance? What [...]

By |2022-07-14T08:19:40-07:00July 14th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1115 – The “Violent Narcissism Hypothesis” Of Mass Shootings – Including Media Culpability

Ep 1114 Exercising For Optimal Health (Not Appearance) Is Simple & Easy

Dr. Champion shares his decades of the body building approach to working out and why he ditched that and switched to working out for optimal health. Dr. Champion explains the physiological reasons we work out in specific ways to give our bodies what they need for optimal overall health. [...]

By |2022-07-12T09:10:21-07:00July 12th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1114 Exercising For Optimal Health (Not Appearance) Is Simple & Easy

Ep 1113 – Why Epstein’s Pedo Pals Won’t Be Charged With Any Crimes. Law, Not A Conspiracy Theory

Dr. Champion lays out the facts and law regarding the men who had sex with underage girls on Epstein Island and explains why none of them will be charged with any crime for those sexual activities. Dr. Champion's books on law and physiology can be seen at https://drreality.news

By |2022-07-01T07:00:26-07:00July 1st, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1113 – Why Epstein’s Pedo Pals Won’t Be Charged With Any Crimes. Law, Not A Conspiracy Theory

Ep 1112 – The Hidden Legal Realities That Overturned Roe v Wade And May Overturn Much More

Dr. Champion discusses the hidden legal realities SCOTUS used to overturn Roe v. Wade. Most Americans are unaware of the pivotal role the 14th Amendment played in both Roe and Dobbs; Dobbs reversing Roe. Dave details how 14th Amendment citizens have been, and continue to be, granted rights by [...]

By |2022-06-28T07:23:46-07:00June 28th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1112 – The Hidden Legal Realities That Overturned Roe v Wade And May Overturn Much More

Ep 1111 – Senate Gun Control Deal. What’s In It & What Not?

Dr. Champion shares what's in the agreement struck between Senate Republicans & Democrats in response to calls for more gun-related legislation in the make of several mass shootings. Champion also discusses what isn't in the deal and why those omissions are significant. Will the agreed upon provisions end up [...]

By |2022-06-15T19:36:44-07:00June 15th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1111 – Senate Gun Control Deal. What’s In It & What Not?

Ep 1110 – How To End School Shootings. A Gritty Unpleasant Truth

Dr. Champion discusses the U.S. constitutional landscape concerning the Right To Keep and Bear Arms and what that means in terms of removing rifles such as the AR15 from society. Dave runs through the numerous ineffective notions many people have about firearms and how to stop violence. Dave then [...]

By |2022-05-27T09:45:20-07:00May 27th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1110 – How To End School Shootings. A Gritty Unpleasant Truth

Ep 1109 – The Truth About America’s War On Free Speech

Dr. Champion shares the visionary words of historical luminaries concerning free speech and free thought. Dave then draws your attention to what those luminaries did NOT say, which is so critical in an era when private corporations are enforcing censorship on the American public. Dr. Champion books are at [...]

By |2022-05-20T18:37:05-07:00May 20th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1109 – The Truth About America’s War On Free Speech

Ep 1108 – Is Abortion Murder? Examining The Law On This Question

Dr. Champion examines the question of whether American law considers abortion to be murder. What was the law concerning abortion as murder in the era of the Founding Fathers? What has the law said about abortion as murder throughout U.S history? Does the law consider abortion murder in the [...]

By |2022-05-16T19:19:20-07:00May 16th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1108 – Is Abortion Murder? Examining The Law On This Question

Ep 1107 – World’s #1 Source Of Disinformation Is The US Government

Dr. Champion explains why the US government is the world's largest purveyor of disinformation & misinformation. Dave reveals never before heard information about what the government did that led to the killings at Waco. Dave joins Glenn Greenwald in stating that the Department of Homeland Security's new 'Ministry of [...]

By |2022-05-12T08:11:45-07:00May 12th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1107 – World’s #1 Source Of Disinformation Is The US Government

Ep 1106 – Supreme Court Will No Longer Protect Non-Enumerated Rights If Alito’s Draft Becomes The Court’s Decision

Dr. Champion reveals a horrific and utterly unacceptable consequence that will impact every American if the language of Justice Alito's draft concerning Roe v Wade winds up in the Court's published decision. Dave explains how Alito's language will effectively destroy the 9th Amendment and bar SCOTUS from making any [...]

By |2022-05-04T19:15:56-07:00May 4th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1106 – Supreme Court Will No Longer Protect Non-Enumerated Rights If Alito’s Draft Becomes The Court’s Decision

Ep 1105 -Ivermectin Research Scam Continues! Latest Report In NEJM

Dr. Champion breaks down the latest clinical trial study report concerning Ivermectin in context of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Spoiler Alert: The report is not what it seems! Listen to the end to hear the SPECIAL OFFER on Dave's books. Dave's book can be ordered at https://drreality.news

By |2022-04-28T17:45:07-07:00April 28th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1105 -Ivermectin Research Scam Continues! Latest Report In NEJM

Ep 1104 – Federal Benefits Now Race-Based?! Examining SCOTUS’ Recent Decision

Dr. Champion examines a recent US Supreme Court decision in which the Court held Puerto Ricans can be denied benefits that are available to residents of the 50 states. Plaintiff's counsel says the decision is race-based. What factors are really at play? How does this seemingly mundane case inform [...]

By |2022-04-21T18:03:57-07:00April 21st, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1104 – Federal Benefits Now Race-Based?! Examining SCOTUS’ Recent Decision

Ep 1103 – Robert Reich Attacks Musk’s Anti-Censorship Plan For Twitter

Dr. Champion shares key parts of Robert Reich's op-ed that condemns Musk and harshly criticizes his intention to end (or significantly reduce) censorship on Twitter. Dave breaks down the op-ed claim-by-claim, evaluating the motivations, rationale, and credibility of each. It's not a pretty picture. Dr. Champion's books can be [...]

By |2022-04-19T18:50:22-07:00April 19th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1103 – Robert Reich Attacks Musk’s Anti-Censorship Plan For Twitter

Ep 1102 – Twitter Under Elon Musk. What We Can Expect

Dr. Champion discusses the implication for censorship at Twitter with Elon Musk having become Twitter's largest shareholder. What changes can we expect from Twitter under Musk's influence? Which suspended users will Twitter bring back? If Musk successfully rolls back Twitter censorship can the same thing be done at YouTube [...]

By |2022-04-12T19:31:33-07:00April 12th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1102 – Twitter Under Elon Musk. What We Can Expect

Ep 1101 – Truth No Longer Considered “Knowledge” In America

Dr. Champion discusses the reality that in America one can now be punished for providing facts, data, and evidence the establishment deems 'dangerous' to the establishment's interests. (Recorded Sept 2020.) Dr. Champion's books are available at https://drreality.news

By |2022-04-06T07:06:55-07:00April 6th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1101 – Truth No Longer Considered “Knowledge” In America

Ep 1098 – Understand The Income Tax Scam In Just 15 Minutes!

Dr. Champion provides a slew of information in just 15 minutes that provides you with a solid understanding of the government's income tax scam. It really is that simple! Dave’s books can be seen at https://drreality.news. Please Note: The "free shipping" advertisement contained in this video was intended for [...]

By |2022-03-11T10:39:14-08:00March 11th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 1098 – Understand The Income Tax Scam In Just 15 Minutes!
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