The false narrative that everyone who earns a living owes income tax is the result of Americans never reading the law and blindly believing what they’re told by others who have also never read the law. Dave Champion spent 17 years gathering statutes, regulations, Treasury Orders, Treasury Decisions, internal IRS manuals, Supreme Court decisions, and documents the govt had hoped to keep hidden, all proving definitively and inarguably that you’ve been lied to, and providing you the knowledge to walk away from the government’s scam safely…and forever.
Income Tax: Shattering the Myths
The false narrative that everyone who earns a living owes income tax is the result of Americans never reading the law and blindly believing what they’re told by others who have also never read the law. Dave Champion spent 17 years gathering statutes, regulations, Treasury Orders, Treasury Decisions, internal IRS manuals, Supreme Court decisions, and documents the govt had hoped to keep hidden, all proving definitively and inarguably that you’ve been lied to, and providing you the knowledge to walk away from the government’s scam safely…and forever.
Additional information
Weight | 1.5 lbs |
Dimensions | 9 × 6 × 1 in |
FREE Booklet | Business Withholding Guide, Business W-9 Handbook, None selected or not available in booklet bundles |
35 reviews for Income Tax: Shattering the Myths
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Robert –
I recently purchased Income Tax: Shattering The Myths and found the contents very helpful with answering questions about income tax. I am a fairly new business owner and wanted to understand taxes, which I found out quickly was no easy task. Preferring audio books, I’ve read maybe 10 books in my entire life and I’m sure glad I found Income Tax: Shattering The Myths! As a person who hardly reads I found your book not only helpful, but also fun to read. It has inspired me to read more and educate myself on as many subjects as possible. Thanks Dave!
Mike Matull –
Of all the books I’ve read in my life, and I’m approaching 60, none have been as impactful as Income Tax: Shattering the Myths. It literally changed my life. Oh how I wish I had read this when I was in my 20’s; early in my working career. This book contains what typically takes decades of personal research to uncover. It’s all in one single compendium, presented in a very readable and understandable manner. I must warn you though, the truth can be shocking. In my case I literally had to put the book down frequently because its ‘revelations’ left me incensed and very angry at how I’ve been played like a fiddle by the institution that we we’re all programmed to believe has our interests at heart; the federal government. Unlike many books you read, and then forget, you can’t ever “unsee” the material in this book. I strongly recommend it to anyone who seeks truth, even if you can’t act on it, you deserve to know the truth.
R. Garcia –
I have been researching the income tax laws from a few sources online for a few years now. The tax code is very convoluted and hard to piece together. Many Americans are doing their best to understand all the information provided in the code. Only a few truly get it. Dave Champion is one of those few. And he has done a magnificent job of putting the pieces together and breaking it down to a level that’s extremely easy to grasp. I strongly recommend Income Tax: Shattering The Myths to anyone who truly desires to know and understand whether he/she is a “taxpayer” according to the law, or not.
Joe Lyon –
I’ve read Income Tax: Shattering the Myths multiple times. I own multiple dog-eared copies and refer to it often. It is a “bible” of sorts. If this book existed 20+ years ago it would have saved me countless hours of legal and constitutional research and helped me avoid nonsensical legal myths. I’m grateful to Dave Champion for spending the time to put it together and make it available. This is the solid source for clear and understandable information on the US income tax. It contains everything one needs to know, and then some, about exactly how Congress has structured the tax, precisely whom Congress has imposed the tax upon, and how we needlessly ensnare ourselves in it. The information then allows a person to extricate themselves and avoid a tax that has not been imposed upon them. I recommend and have gifted this life changing book to friends and family. I recommend it to you without reservation.
Steve Ewing –
I recently came across Income Tax: Shattering The Myths and it wound up saving me over $10,000 dollars a year. I’m still stunned. This is hands down the most important book in regards to liberty that anyone will ever read. Thank you so much for taking the time to decipher it all and give us the facts! Forever grateful.
Kirk Odegaard –
I have been involved with this issue for 20+ yrs and have seen many ‘theories’. Income Tax: Shattering the Myths lays it out by law, court decisions, and the governments own words; nothing more, nothing less. It has stood the test of time. Highly recommend if one wants to know the truth about the income tax.
John Q. –
I read Income Tax: Shattering the Myths and thought it was the most comprehensible explanation of tax law that the average person can understand, thanks dave for your years of research and sharing with the people.
Richard Tast –
Having read Income Tax: Shattering The Myths I can say that Dave Champion has taken the dark mysteries out of income tax law; not only regarding the true nature of the tax, but upon whom the tax lawfully applies. He has written this book in a style and manner any person with average reading skills can comprehend. It is said that the truth shall set you free. The truth laid out in this book gives the reader the necessary information to do just that; become FREE (if they so choose). I cannot recommend it enough to those who desire freedom from the pervasive misapplication of the income tax.
Lannie Collier –
When I first heard of Income Tax: Shattering The Myths, I knew I had to have it! What I found was clear, concise, and very understandable information. I knew the public narrative regarding income tax was fraudulent. Dave’s book showed me just how deep the fraud really is. Income Tax: Shattering the Myths is a real eye-opener. It will piss you off to discover the U.S. government has lied to the American people for decades. Every American needs to read this book!
Trey Webb –
Income Tax: Shattering The Myths is very well put together. The first time reading it I was slightly confused because the wording Congress chose to use is so twisted. Once Dave broke it down and explained it, I had no problem understanding every little detail the second time through. The small amount of money the book cost is priceless for discovering the truth and gaining a lifetime freedom from the burden of paying a tax that was never imposed on the vast majority of Americans!